Coming from Android Development to iOS/Swift, one might expect debugging to be somewhat similar. It is to some extent. One thing that I miss while doing iOS Development is the logging capabilities Android Studio offers, which are available out of the box.
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Angular meets Phoenix/Elixir
I recently started working on a Phoenix/Elixir based project. Well, I’m too rusty for that, I said to myself. After many years of OOP, I was about to delve into the realm of functional programming. But, against common misconceptions, it turned out to be an enjoyable experience, and I literally...
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4 useless functions I wish JavaScript offered out of the box
JavaScript, the most popular programming language in the world, is a mess. There are many articles (or repositories) on the web about how peculiar or counter-intuitive some aspects of this language are. But as much as you may hate it, you have to admit it is a handy tool if...
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Molen De Ster
Morile de vânt Olandeze: de la motoare la mass messaging
Este o zi de Octombrie și pentru prima dată după câteva zile cu nori, soarele se aruncă darnic peste orașul olandez Utrecht. Pe o buturugă, plutind în canalul pe malul căruia așteptăm să ne vină ghidul, se întinde leneș un motan roșcat-portocaliu și un pic grăsuț. Nu suntem singurii care...
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Handling REST errors with RxSwift and RxAlamofire
Use enums and extension functions to simplify consuming REST APIs.
If you’re developing an iOS app that consumes a REST API, chances are you’re using RxAlamofire. If you don’t, then it is worth exploring what it has to offer. For me personally, transitioning to iOS/Swift from an Android/Kotlin world was fairly smooth. The two languages share a lot of similarities....
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